Inspiration for WATP


The inspiration for this movement goes back to the 1980’s and Nikolai Protestant Church in Leipzig, East Germany. Under the leadership of Pastor Kristian Feurhrer, a time of intercession was started on Monday evening based upon the fact that many times the church dilutes the gospel message which weakens the witness of Christ in the world.
Pastor Kristian believed that because of Easter and the resurrection all things are possible. The handful of intercessors on Monday evening began to see the power of God in their midst. The number of partners swelled to 200,000 strong (without internet) and things began to change as people were able to exercise their faith that there could be good dreams again for their nation.
We all know that President Reagan spoke at the Berlin wall’s Brandenburg Gate on June 12,1987 and said, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” Without taking anything away from Reagan’s words, I believe the unified prayers were heard by God and on November 9, 1989 “Wir Sind Das Volk” (We Are The People) had their prayers answered. As the walls came down Jeremiah 29:11 became a reality. “A hope and a future for all.”
Today we live in a time where many people including high school and college graduates, politicians, and even pastors have lost their dreams for a better tomorrow. If our dreams are restored our dreams can become a reality.
In Acts chapter two, the church is promised new dreams. Let’s dream together as people united in the Spirit. The time is now and “We Are The People” who will “stand in the gap” for our nation and our cities.