Monday April 28, 2014 “Guard, Pray and Praise”

Nehemiah 7:1 “Then it was, when the wall was built and I had hung the doors, when the gatekeepers, the singers, and the Levites had been appointed.”
This week we will discover prayer focus points from the Book of Nehemiah Chapter 7 verses 1-6. Every day as we unite in prayer let us encourage another person to join us at and to join the millions who will intercede for our land on Thursday’s “National Day of Prayer”.
In Nehemiah 7:1 it seems that securing the borders (walls) of the city was of utmost importance. There were physical walls, guarded gates, praise to God and priests who were daily intercessors for man unto God.
Today, let our prayers of agreement include efforts to keep the borders of America secured with a watchful eye upon those who would attempt in a physical or cyber way to penetrate our land and our safety. May we also remember the power of praise. In 2 Chronicles Chapter 20 Jehosophat, king of Judah appointed singers who won a great victory for their people through the song of the Lord given through the Holy Spirit. Pray that the Praises of God’s people be “in spirit and truth” as Jesus spoke of in John Chapter 4 and result in great spiritual victories over spirits of darkness in these days of confusion and instability in America. May our prayers also include that God raise up powerful intercessors in our day who will sacrificially give their time to bring down the strongholds of the enemy and bring the rich blessings of God upon His people.

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